Welcome to our press page, where you can find more information about the business, as well as downloadable assets.
Find Made in Kent on social media
You can contact Made in Kent via;
Made in Kent Radio has around 78,000 per month.
How to listen
Made in Kent is available to listen;
Made in Kent Radio will be available on FM / DAB in 2024. This will allow listeners to listen in their cars.
The history of Made in Kent Radio
Matt James Soper set out The Creation Lab, running for over 15 years. In lockdown, Matt wanted to revive local radio, and so became Made in Kent Radio.
Made in Kent is dedicated to supporting local Kent businesses and encourages listeners to shop local. Made in Kent strive to bring great Kent-based businesses together and showcase the wonderful products home grown right here on our doorstep in this wonderful county of ours.
Businesses can get a FREE radio interview to talk about their business
To apply to go on Made in Kent Radio and chat about your business, simply head to the website and click ‘Apply to be on the radio’.
Made in Kent love meeting businesses and promoting what they do across the county of Kent!
Advertising on Made in Kent Radio
Businesses can engage with a wide audience in Kent through a personalised marketing package designed specifically for your business, event, or product.
Made in Kent’s advertising packages ensure that your business, event, or product is directly exposed to their audience, who are passionate about Kent and eager to support local businesses.
More information about advertising on Made in Kent Radio can be found here;
Members of Made in Kent receive a huge amount of great benefits and exposure to over 35,000 Kent listeners and online visitors.
The Made in Kent membership is priced at £250+VAT a year (less than £1 a day) or £30+VAT per month.
Benefits of becoming Made in Kent member includes;
More information about memberships at Made in Kent Radio can be found here;
Events guide
Dedicated to giving back to the Kent community, Made in Kent Radio host an events guide, showcasing everything to eat, drink, visit and enjoy across the county.
Discover everything that is happening in Kent via;
Radio school experience
Get hands-on experience working in the radio industry.
The full-day experience with Made in Kent Radio is ideal for beginners and will show you how to present on the radio and use a fully working professional radio studio. This is a hands-on course which will have you in the studio recording your own links and running the desk. You’ll even learn some secrets in radio, as to how shows are put together.
You’ll learn about the history of radio and how radio stations like Heart & Capital radio work today. The course also tackles how to get your first radio job; if you fancy taking the course further.
Made in Kent’s radio experience classes are very small, so you get personal attention and training. This is a fun and engaging experience, that will be cherished forever.
Find out more about Made in Kent Radio’s experience day here;
Made in Kent Radio uses the following hex code colours;
#292461 (navy)
#24b9ec (blue)
#e92f91 (pink)
#423572 (purple)
#59C7BE (teal)
Please use these downloadable high-res assets for use in press and social media.
This package is tailored to advertise your shop, pub or venue to Kent.